Ngaben is a purification ceremony atma (spirit) the first phase, a Balinese Hindu sacred obligation totheir ancestors, with a procession burning corpse. Ngaben itself is a fusion of the traditional teachings of Hinduculture in Bali.
In every area in Bali is quite common if the sequence of events in the way of implementation would be different even though the essence Ngaben the same ceremony. It deals with the belief that any knowledge on traditional Balinese village of Kala Patra that is literally in terjmahkan into place, time and circumstances.
Bodies should be put asleep, and the families left behind will always think so (sleep). In the Panca Yadnya, this ceremony is included in Pitra Yadnya, the ceremony devoted to the spirit lelulur. Ngaben ceremony at its core meaning is to restore the ancestral spirits (dead) to the place of origin.
Ngaben ceremony usually conducted by family relatives of the deceased, as a form of respect for a child against his parents. Ngaben ceremony is usually performed with a lively, no sobs, because in Bali there is a belief that we should not cry over one who has died, because it could hamper the spirits travel to the place. They assume that, indeed corpses for a while does not exist, but will undergo reincarnation or find the final resting Moksha (freedom from the wheel of death and reincarnation).
As written about Yadnya Pitra, the human body consists of rough body, subtle body and the karma. Rough human body is formed from 5 elements called Panca Maha Bhuta ie earth (solid), Apah (liquid), Teja (hot substance) wind (wind) and akasa (space). The fifth element is fused to form human physical and mobilized by the atma (spirit).
As written about Yadnya Pitra, the human body consists of rough body, subtle body and the karma. Rough human body is formed from 5 elements called Panca Maha Bhuta ie earth (solid), Apah (liquid), Teja (hot substance) wind (wind) and akasa (space). The fifth element is fused to form human physical and mobilized by the atma (spirit).
A man has Rauh said Bayu, Word, IDEP, and after death Bayu, Word, IDEP was restored to Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. When a man dies the death is only a rough body, not his atma. So is the process of sanctification Ngaben atma / soul as it leaves the body rough.
There are several opinions about the origin of the word Ngaben. Some say Ngaben Beya meaning of the word stock, there is also a saying from the word ngabu (ashes).
In Hinduism, it is believed that Lord Brahma, the creator god as well as also is the god of fire. So is the process of sanctification Ngaben spirit by means of fire, so they can go back to the creator of Brahma. The fire used is concrete fire to burn the bodies, and fire spells abstract form pralina pastors to make the burn impurities inherent in the atma / soul.
Ceremony Ngaben or sometimes called Pelebon ceremony to the person who died, is considered very important, lively and vibrant, because with pengabenan the family can deliver the souls of people who died from his worldly ties, toward heaven, or transformed back into the world through reincarnation, and this is very dependent of karmaphala during still alive.
Ngaben not always done immediately. For members of high caste, it is reasonable to perform this ritual within 3 days. But for members of lower castes, because the ceremony requires effort, cost and time length and large, then this is often done so long after death. First bodies were buried and then, usually only be performed rituals Ngaben, together in one village.
To bear the burden of cost, labor and others, now people often do Ngaben mass / together. The bodies of the deceased are often buried before they cost enough, but for some families who are able Ngaben ceremony can be performed as soon as possible by keeping the bodies of people who have died at home, while waiting for a good time. During the period of storage in the house, the spirits of the deceased became restless and always want freedom.
Good day usually given by the clergy (Rauh), after consultation and the existing calendar. Preparation is usually taken away well before the day specified. At this point the family, assisted by the community to prepare sarcophagus or "Bade and ox" or monastery or a lotus-shaped container, as a symbol of God's house. Bade and Ox are prepared usually very majestic, made of bamboo, wood, paper of various colors in accordance with the socio-economic class or status of the family concerned. "Bade and Ox" This is where the bodies which will be held Ngaben.
Ngaben procession ceremony performed by a variety of processes and tools sajen upakara form and completeness, as symbols as well as other rituals are often performed Balinese Hindus. Ngaben done to humans who died and still no body, nor no man died of his body was like people were killed and the bodies dragged ocean currents that are not found, the plane crash that his body was burned, or such as the Bali bombing case 1, where some bodies are not can be recognized because it was cut into pieces or so of ash from the explosion.
For Ngaben procession that carried his body was not there to make the symbol and take the fistful of land location of death, then burned. Many steps done in Ngaben. Starting from bathing the corpse, ngajum, arson and nyekah. Each stage uses a means of offerings (offerings) are different. When someone dies, his family will be facing the priest to ask when there is a good day to carry out Ngaben. Usually will be given time not more than 7 days from the day of death.
Having obtained the day (burning the bodies), in the morning when the ceremony will be held, then the family and relatives and the community will come together to prepare the first ritual that is nyiramin layon (bathing the corpse.) The body will be bathed by the Brahmins as a group because of social status have an obligation to it or the person who is considered the oldest in the community. Finished bathing, the body will be charged the full Balinese traditional clothes, like people who are still alive.
Next is a procession ngajum, the procession of releasing the spirit by making symbols using cloth pictorial elements purification of the spirit.
Before the top event carried out, the whole family will give their last respects and give prayer spirits diupacarai hopefully get a good place. When everything is ready, then the corpse will be placed in "Bade" where the body will be carried to the cemetery, a rollicking place Ngaben ceremony, accompanied by a "gamelan", "sacred ballad", and followed by all the family and society. This form of cattle or monasteries, was taken to the cremation through a procession. The procession is not running on a straight road. This is to confuse evil spirits and keep him away from the body.
Arriving at the cemetery, usually done at the local village cemetery, Ngaben ceremony performed by putting the corpse into pemalungan ("ox"), the place burned the bodies pile made of banana tree trunk, which had been prepared, which previously started with other ceremonies and prayer mantra of Ida Rauh, and "Ox" burned to be Ash. Ash is then thrown into the sea or rivers are considered sacred.
Here again conducted a purification ceremony spirit pralina by pastor or people who are considered capable for it (usually from the Brahmin clan.) Pralina is burning with fire spellsfusion of abstract form of defilement inherent atma body. Then performed using a fireburning dengann concrete. Nowadays not use firewood anymore, but use the fire from a kerosene stove that uses wind.
Generally, the combustion process of an intact corpse to ashes takes 1 hour. Ash is then collected in ivory coconuts to assembled into sekah. This Sekah which floated out to sea, because the sea is a symbol of the universe and at the same door into the house of God.
After this ceremony, the family can still pray for ancestors of holy places and temples respectively. This is what causes the family ties in Bali is very strong, because they always remember and honor lelulur and also their parents. There is a belief that the spirits of ancestors who suffered the reincarnation will be back in the family circle again, so usually a grandchild is a reincarnation of his parents.
So in brief series Ngaben procession in Bali. There is another note that is for babies under the age of 42 days and whether or not the date of the teeth, his remains should be buried. Ngaben Ngabennya carried out following which there will be if there is a family who died.
Who's rebirth of the deceased spirit world, is closely related to karma and deeds and behavior during the previous life. In general, the Balinese feel that the spirit that was born again into the world only within the family circle who have blood relations with him. The circle of life and death for people of Bali is due to its relationship with the ancestors.
Everyone knows that in a moment later she would become the ancestors too, who in his journey in another world must be accelerated and gain enough attention if at any time later again transformed into the beloved island, Bali.